Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Diet Plan

Like I’ve mentioned before, I think the more specific you are, the more likely you’ll succeed. So for my diet plan, instead of just saying “I’m going to eat better” or “I’m going to cut out carbs”, I’m going with a specific and proven diet: The Abs Diet (amazon link), created by Men’s Health Magazine Editor-in-Chief David Zinczenko. I won’t get into great detail about the specifics of the diet or the theories that I find the diet an appealing one to do (you’ll just have to get the book yourself for that), but here’s a brief outline of what it will entail:
  1. Eating 6 meals a day - 3 full meals and 3 snacks
  2. Use the 12 Abs Diet Powerfoods as the staples of your diet - can be found here
  3. Drink smoothies regularly - which can also be meal or snack substitutes
  4. Stop counting - the calories that is
  5. Know what to drink and what not to - so pretty much just water, tea, milk and occasional juices, and cutting back alcoholic drinks to just 2 a week
  6. For one meal a week, forget the first five guidelines - I love a plan where I'm allowed to indulge in my In-N-Out cravings

The book has tons of recipes and even a sample week of the meals planned out (which is what I’ll be starting with) and is a great resource, so it will be my bible through the course of this transformation. But it won’t be my only resource. Men’s Health Magazine posts great dieting tips and recipes that fall under the Ab’s Diet protocols, so I will be mixing some of those into my plan to keep it fresh, as well as coming up with recipes of my own which I will post throughout the blog. Also, I won’t only be focusing on what I eat, but when I eat as well. I think this will be the key to my success more than anything else. Every week I will post up a menu of what I will be eating for each meal and when, so it will be extra important to really plan ahead, shop for what I need, and to cook maybe several meals in advance to make sure that I’m not skipping meals or tempted to go out and get something I’m not supposed to. I’m sure it sounds rough, and I know it will be, because what if you don’t feel like eating something when it comes to eating a planned meal? Well, this isn’t about eating what I feel like eating is it? If it were, then I’m sure this blog would be about how I’m striving to become the world’s heaviest man.

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